Talking of a small to medium scale business, we start up, grow, stabilise and strive to maintain our stand. As we start, we use several marketing strategies to build a brand and gain recognition. We even shout out with promotions to show that ‘yes, we’re here too’!
With these in place, we climb up to reach and then cross the break even point to start making profits (hurray). The business then moves towards growth. Aiming to expand profitable at a calculated reinvestment.
Does this resonate with where you’re at with your business? If yes, read along.
Here, a business sometimes hits a marketing lull, much like a weight loss plateau. The same marketing techniques do not seem to work. Spreading flyers, ads in magazines or a local referral program all seems tried out.
If you’re here, where should we turn next? There are two options: either try online marketing or another physical marketing method.
Knowing these will give some direction:
Simply having a website is not online marketing.
Yes, you heard that right. Only having a website will not drastically bring you a lot of customers. A digital brochure that gives all information needed before buying from you. Like, your services, company profile and testimonials from happy customers. Along with an interactive way to reach you. A website can be one of the starting points with which you enter the world of online marketing. An online asset you use to showcase your business in its best light.
Getting on Instagram or making a Facebook business page is a start
Looking at your competitors, you may decide to get on a social platform. Creating an Instagram or Facebook business page will not be enough.
You will need to build your presence day after day to capture attention. To provide value to, making each visit to your business page, worth that person’s time. There is a continual rise in information online and decrease in attention spans. Along with your competitor, you compete with every other piece of information. Every other information that the visitor sees when he gets online.
Taking responsibility is important
Just because going online is a quick way to put something out which has the potential to reach many eyes. That does not mean you apply any irrelevant tactic to get their attention. Trending information can be nice for capturing interest but is short lived. Plus, you are not targeting the audience interested in your product. Taking responsibility for your actions online is an important aspect of online marketing. This goes hand in hand with good business etiquettes and ethics.
One step at a time
A simple method that gives a good return on investment.
It is enticing to dive into all online marketing channels at once. A deep breath and jump into it all, doing anything it takes for good business growth. Here, the attitude is progressive but you might want to reconsider the technique. While there may be several online marketing channels you may use, but only a few fit well for your business. It’s best to try one online marketing channel at once. Then identity which one suits your business the best. Directing greater efforts to the right channels and platforms give the best results.
When most of your potential customers are online, online marketing is the right next step. Learn more with ‘the best online marketing strategies for a small business’.